An Interesting Aside: Some Additional Members of the System.Environment Class

The Environment class exposes a number of extremely helpful methods beyond GetCommandLineArgs(). Specifically, this class allows you to obtain a number of details regarding the operating system currently hosting your .NET application using various static members. To illustrate the usefulness of System.Environment, update your Main() method to call a helper method named ShowEnvironmentDetails().

static int Main(string[] args)
    // Helper method within the Program class.
    return -1;

Implement this method within your Program class to call various members of the Environment type.

static void ShowEnvironmentDetails()
    // Print out the drives on this machine,
    // and other interesting details.
    foreach (string drive in Environment.GetLogicalDrives())
        Console.WriteLine("Drive: {0}", drive);

    Console.WriteLine("OS: {0}", Environment.OSVersion);
    Console.WriteLine("Number of processors: {0}",
    Console.WriteLine(".NET Version: {0}",

Figure 3-4 shows a possible test run of invoking this method. If you did not specify command-line arguments via the Visual Studio 2010 Debug tab, you will not find them printed to the console.

Figure 3-4

Figure 3-4. Displaying system environment variables

The Environment type defines members other than those shown in the previous example. Table 3-1 documents some additional properties of interest; however, be sure to check out the .NET Framework 4.0 SDK documentation for full details.

Table 3-1. Select Properties of System.Environment

Property Meaning in Life
ExitCode Gets or sets the exit code for the application.
MachineName Gets the name of the current machine.
NewLine Gets the newline symbol for the current environment.
StackTrace Gets the current stack trace information for the application.
SystemDirectory Returns the full path to the system directory.
UserName Returns the name of the user that started this application.

Source Code The SimpleCSharpApp project is located under the Chapter 3 subdirectory.